Even though we strive to protect the information you provide through Ryel Digital (RPPL), no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. As a result, even though we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to or receive from us through our Web site and online services.
We review our security policies on a regular basis, and changes are made as necessary. They undergo an intense review on an annual basis by our Information Technology department. These defined security policies detail access privileges, information collection needs, accountability, and other such matters. Documented system security objectives, policies, and standards are consistent with system security requirements defined in contractual, legal, and other service-level agreements. For example, only a select group of authorized individuals within Ryel Digital (RPPL) Datacenters and/or Cloud Nodes has access to user information. A complete policy with details regarding access, scripting, updates, and remote access is available for review by qualified personnel within the organization. This document is not available to the general public for study. Ryel Digital (RPPL) operates secure data networks that are password-protected and are not available to the public. When transmitting information between you and Ryel Digital (RPPL), data security is handled through a security protocol called secured sockets layer (SSL). SSL is an Internet security standard using data encryption and Web server authentication. Encryption strength is measured by the length of the key used to encrypt the data; that is, the longer the key, the more effective the encryption. Using the SSL protocol, data transmission between you and the ryel.digital server is performed at industry-standard encryption strength.